Civex for Advocates

We connect People, Advocates, and Companies to empower change for millions of people today, and generations to come.

Civex Advocates are organizations or individuals that are:

  • Currently creating shareholder content speaking to their interest, or
  • Creating content not directly related to a proxy vote, but speaking to an interest that appears on corporate proposals. Issues of interest include: Environmental, Social, and Governance topics.

The Opportunity

Partnering with Civex as an Advocate on our platform, can amplify your work, at no cost.

The Benefits

  • Extend your reach and influence shareholder decisions. Drive awareness for your cause and make an impact on issues with public companies.
  • Grow your followers. We’ll gather people who are passionate about the issues you represent and can help advance your cause.
  • Learn from our data and analytics. Gain unique insights on your audience and content, including shareholder reach.

The Ask

  • Partner with us. Allow Civex to create a space dedicated to your cause and target audience.
  • Be involved. Work with our Advocates Manager to repurpose your existing content, and/or create new campaigns on our app.
  • Share amongst your network. Promote Civex to your followers, and tag Civex on campaigns that are simultaneously taking place in your digital channels.
A lady bringing a comment card to a man collecting them

Join The Community

If you’re interested in becoming a Civex Advocate, drop us an email and our Advocates Manager will reach out to you with next steps.

Advocates In Our Community

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance was founded in 1995 to enhance democratic governance by helping shareholders win increasing control over America’s corporate boardrooms. With the help of Jim McRitchie, Publisher of, the site has resulted in dialogue and cooperative initiatives with pension funds, corporate directors, labor leaders, proxy advisors, money managers, authors, academics, and hundreds of individual investors.


The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression’s (FIRE) mission is to defend and sustain the individual rights of all Americans to free speech and free thought—the most essential qualities of liberty. FIRE educates Americans about the importance of these inalienable rights, promotes a culture of respect for these rights, and provides the means to preserve them.

LifeGoal Investments

LifeGoal’s mission is to create a company that offers investment services for the Everyday American. The LifeGoal Co-Founders and brothers, Brett and Taylor Sohns, spent decades on Wall Street prior to launching LifeGoal Investments. The goal of LifeGoal Investments is to simplify investing – we understand it is a very confusing landscape for much of the population. We focus on creating products that attempt to help meet some of the largest financial goals of the Everyday American.

Lift Our Voices

Lift Our Voices (LOV) was launched in December 2019 to create positive, systemic change in American workplaces through the eradication of forced arbitration clauses and nondisclosure agreements for toxic workplace issues. Created and launched by Gretchen Carlson and Julie Roginsky, LOV’s mission is to protect American workers by giving those in toxic work environments the freedom to speak freely about their workplace experiences and free them from the laws and business practices that prevent employees from publicly discussing toxic workplace conditions.

Green America

Green America is the nation’s leading green economy organization. Founded in 1982, Green America provides the economic strategies, organizing power and practical tools for businesses, investors, and consumers to solve today’s social and environmental problems. Green America’s Responsible Finance program educates investors on proxy voting, key shareholder resolutions, and ways to pressure corporations to improve their conduct.


Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) a successor to the Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization representing investors with faith-based values who seek to leverage their investments to advance human rights, climate justice, racial equity, and the common good. On behalf of our Affiliates, we engage companies to address strategic environmental, social, and governance issues and advocate for change. IASJ uses a variety of shareholder advocacy strategies to encourage corporations to adopt more ethical and sustainable business practices, and believes in seeking out and building collaborative partners who share similar goals, in an effort to increase the effectiveness and impact of our work. Founded in 1975, formerly known as Tri-CRI, we have over forty years of experience with shareholder advocacy and responsible investment.

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR)

Celebrating its 51st year, ICCR is the pioneer coalition of shareholder advocates who view the management of their investments as a catalyst for social change. Its 300 member organizations comprise faith communities, socially responsible asset managers, unions, pensions, NGOs and other socially responsible investors with combined assets of over $4 trillion. ICCR members engage hundreds of corporations annually in an effort to foster greater corporate accountability.


Oxfam is a movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. We work with people to bring change that lasts. Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

SEIU unites 2 million diverse members in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. SEIU members working in the healthcare industry, in the public sector and in property services believe in the power of joining together on the job to win higher wages and benefits and to create better communities while fighting for a more just society and an economy that works for all of us, not just corporations and the wealthy.